Hello Echoers!
Thanks to your support, we raised $850 over the Holidays for Esther's school, the Women in Action Development Project. That puts our total fundraising for 2014 in at $8750 dollars - the largest year we've had! Between the two biggest challenges the school faced this year - potential eviction from the land lord and the threat of Ebola - you all came through in helping to support Esther and her school. Our most sincere gratitude to all of you who donated this year, with special thanks to the Simon Fraser University Teaching Support Staff Union and the "Action for Esther" Team at Mulgrave Secondary School in West Vancouver.
But 2014 isn't over yet! You can still count your donation toward our 2014 year, perhaps getting us to $1000 for the Holiday Fundraiser campaign (or more!) Your donation helps support teacher's salaries, school supplies, rent on the school building and - especially during the Ebola threat - helps Women in Action catchup on a funding shortfall they've experienced while being shut down through the crisis unable to fundraise on their own.
You can donate through the button below:
The Esther's Echo team wishes you all the best for 2015. As we work to tell a different story of Africa, may next year be filled with your own great story of your impact in the world!
Matthew Cimone, Founder and CEO
Founder Matthew Cimone with Esther Kanu in Sierra Leone