International Women's Day

Donate for IWD 2020!

Hey Echoers!

It’s International Women’s Day!

When women are educated, the decisions they make have a ripple effect and can help break the cycle of generational poverty. Women who receive more education “tend to be healthier, participate more in the formal labor market, earn higher incomes, have fewer children, marry at a later age, and enable better health care and education for their children,” according to the World Bank.

I read the above in a Global Citizen article this morning on International Women’s Day. If there is one way to break poverty’s back in a place like Sierra Leone, it’s education. I already knew that heading to Sierra Leone for the first time as an undergraduate student. What I didn’t know is that the global efforts against poverty wouldn’t just come packaged by the branding of the largest international organizations and governments but by the organizing of women in their own communities. If that sounds ignorant - it was. I was a young white male working for an international aid organization. Meeting Esther, a local woman who ratified her community to lift young women, girls, and children out of poverty with no international assistance completely changed my worldview of what was possible with grassroots organization. That’s why, when I returned home, I wasn’t interested in only supporting large non-profits, but ensuring that financial support made it to the front lines directly - women doing the work within their own spaces and communities.


On International Women’s Day, of course my thoughts are going to be with Esther and the school. And I’m asking you to give your thoughts to them today too. I cite something frequently - the number of students whom have graduated since our formal partnership with Esther in 2012 - approximately 400. But Esther has been leading a fight against poverty since 1996. Thousands of women have been touched by her work. It’s a tough time right now in Sierra Leone. Right after our expansion to a second location, the Sierra Leone economy was hit hard and we are working to ensure the teachers are paid and the doors stay open. Contracts the school normally undertakes for catering services have shrunk considerably and they are relying on us to make up the shortfall. On International Women’s Day, please consider Esther and the Women in Action Development Project as a way to break the cycle of poverty around the world.


Donate for International Women's Day 2020

By the way, was your school ever this lively in the mornings!?

The Pale Blue Dot and Women in Action Day (Oh and Valentine's!)

The Pale Blue Dot and Women in Action Day (Oh and Valentine's!)

In space, we have found incredible things. Black holes larger than our solar system. Planets so close to their stars that their atmospheres are on fire. Places with three suns in the sky. But for all those things, the most important discovery we could ever make would be to find life elsewhere in the universe. Perhaps life is the jewel - the diamond of the universe. And yet we have life right here and we have literally traded it for rocks. What if we treated life as precious as that picture tells us to?

Thank You for a Successful 2019!

Hello Echoers!

Thank you all for your support in 2019. Because of you we have FOUR big accomplishments to celebrate from 2019!

1) We were able to cover the balance of rent owed to the landlord for the previous Women in Action location.

2) We were able to relocate the primary Women in Action location in Freetown to a new building where the staff have a better relationship with the building landlord.

3) We raised enough to cover the rent on the new location which covers us for another school season until this coming Summer 2020

4) Esther opened up the second location for Women in Action to reach rural students in the city of Port Loko!

Remember! there are still a few hours left in 2020 and so we would still appreciate any more contributions you’re willing to give as we close out 2019

On behalf of Esther and the staff and students of the Women in Action Vocational Training Centre(S) (PLURAL!), and of course from us at Esther’s Echo as well, thank you all so very much to those of you who donated on our website, on Facebook, and helped spread the word about Esther’s work in Sierra Leone. Wishing you an incredible and happy 2020!!


Donate for 2019!
Esther (third from right) with the Staff at the new Woman in Action Port Loko location

Esther (third from right) with the Staff at the new Woman in Action Port Loko location

Students at the Rural Port Loko location

Students at the Rural Port Loko location

Students at the new Freetown location

Students at the new Freetown location

Students at the new Freetown location

Students at the new Freetown location

A Video From Matthew on Giving Tuesday 2019

It's Giving Tuesday! Thank you all for your support so far! Between our donations through the website and on Facebook, we've raised about 800 dollars. We're aiming for $2000 for the giving season to shore up the rest of what we need this year. Anything above that will go toward 2020!

As always, thank you for any consideration of Esther's Echo and Esther's school, the Women in Action Development Project...which is now Projects plural!

Women's Education and Climate Change

Did you know that supporting women’s and girl’s education has a direct impact on reducing carbon emissions?

Project Drawdown is a research organization that has worked to identify the most impactful solutions to climate change. Number 6 on that list is the education of women and girls. Project Drawdown explains that “Women with more education have fewer healthier children”, and, with more education, women “can be more effective stewards of food, soil, trees, and water.” The overall impact? A potential reduction in carbon of 51.5 gigatons by 2050 if all young women and girls had access to education which falls just behind protection of tropical rainforests.

Project Drawdown Solutions by Rank

Project Drawdown Solutions by Rank

Over and over again, research shows that investing in education is one of the closest solutions to a “silver bullet” in the eradication of poverty around the world. Education is also vital in the fight against the climate crisis. This past September, I marched alongside over 100,000 people in the Vancouver Climate Strike. (My sign was a play on my astronomy work. That’s me seated at the Trottier Observatory at Simon Fraser University) I am proud that our work with Esther’s Echo can have a direct role to play in the reduction of carbon emissions. The planet, and the health of our societies, are symbiotically connected. Healthier, equitable, poverty free societies, are also societies that care for the planet. So remember that this Giving Tuesday and Holiday Season your contributions are not only supporting individual women and girls at Esther Kanu’s Women in Action Development Project, but the health of our planet as a whole.


My sign at the Vancouver Climate March

My sign at the Vancouver Climate March

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